Wednesday, February 27, 2013

February in Pictures

We have been very busy bees in February. From the Valentine's Day party to having two snow days we have not stopped buzzing around our classroom. Here are a few pictures to show you what your "busy bee" has been up to in February!

We made Bumble Bees for Valentine's Day!
Our front bulletin board is a HOOT :) The kids really enjoyed making their owls for Valentine's Day!

On Ground Hog's day we predicted whether or not Punxsutawney Phil would see his shadow.

This week we made The Cat in the Hat to celebrate Dr. Seuss'  Birthday!

Tomorrow we are going to write about what we would do if The Cat in the Hat came to our house! :)

In writing we have been working on the writing trait, word choice. We have talked about using "WOW" words when we write! This past week we did a writing lesson with popcorn. We filled out a graphic organizer about what senses we use when we eat popcorn. The students had to come up with adjectives that describe the five senses they use when eating popcorn. Yesterday we used our graphic organizer to write a story about popcorn. We talked about using the other traits we have talked about (ideas, organization, and using good conventions) in our writing. I am so excited to see how all of my students are progressing in writing! I LOVE teaching writing! :)

This is all for now! Looking forward to warm, spring weather!

Mrs. High