The iPad was projected on my Smartboard through a reflection app on Mr. Badura's iPad. What you are seeing on the Smartboard was live video footage of the ocean.
Here is a picture of the principal answering our questions about the ocean.
Here is a picture of exactly what beach Ms. Clark was on this morning!
My students LOVED seeing the ocean live and talking with Ms. Clark about California! If you are a teacher, I HIGHLY recommend that you Skype with someone in a different state!
The rest of the day we did 100 day activities. Here are a few pictures from the day!
They made 100 day hats with Mrs. Luzum.
We sorted 100 food items using a math work mat.
I will quickly catch you up on what else has been going on in Mrs. High's First Grade Class the past month. We are REALLY enjoying our new iPad cart in first grade.
We have made several winter art project including a self portrait, a penguin and a writing snowman.
Each student was able to make themselves wearing snow clothes and then painted the snow around them. Go check out to see your child's writing and art work.
In writing we have been working on using organization in our writing. The students made a snowman where they wrote how they would build a snowman. The hat was their lead and the three snowballs that made up the snowman was the beginning, middle, and end of their story. They did a great job on these!!! They are currently being proudly displayed in our classroom!
I can't believe it is ALMOST February! This year is flying by.....
Looking forward to a great rest of the school year!!!
Mrs. High